LowIQTrash » Today, 1:46 pm » wrote: ↑
And whenever Republicans control all 3 branches…financial collapse ensues :rofl:
But it’s either that or drag queens + illegal immigration…the [{< JWO >}] only lets you pick one of two poisons, never the antidote
And to be fair to Trump, he was just the “chosen one” to take the fall, so I of course will not blame him.
The narrative will spin it as his fault, but Trump agreed / made a deal with the demons to be center stage during the implosion
why won't you ever think you have been fooled 24/7 since birth, just like the rest of your ancestral lineage. Fate by genetic outcomes vs manifested destiny tomorrow 7 days a week believing each new rotation starts at midnight instead of dawn to dusk planet's surface faces the core of the solar system it revolves around when rotation 365 or 366 days a year as the moment here is the eternal pivot point between details never duplicated and results never stay the same since original form of arrival be it by periodic molecular content chemical chart or combined chromosomes of the entire food chain population native to this atmosphere alone?